This is a transcription of (almost) all the books on Bret’s shelf (circa 2015). I will try to add all the author names and purchase links someday in the future.
- Understanding comics - Scott McCloud
- Reinventing comics - Scott McCloud
- Making comics - Scott McCloud
- Graphic storytelling and visual narrative - Will Eisner
- Comics and sequential art - Will Eisner
- The DC Comics Guide to Coloring and Lettering Comics - Mark Chiarello and Todd Klein
- Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The Rise of the Graphic Novel - Steven Weiner
- How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way - Stan Lee and John Buscema
- The Visual Language of Comics - Neil Cohn
- Perspective! For Comic Book Artists
- The Comics of Chris Ware: Drawing is a Way of Thinking
- Chris Ware - Daniel Raeburn
- Krazy Kat: The Comic Art of George Herriman
- The Illusion of Life - Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
- How to make animated films - Tony White
- Grammar of the Film Language - Daniel Arijon
- 3D Art Essentials - Ami Chopine
- 3D Animation Essentials - Andy Beane
game design
- on game design - Chris Crawford
- Racing the Beam - Montfort and Bogost
- How to do things with video games - Bogost
- Homo Ludens - Johan Huizinga
- A Theory of Fun for game design - Koster
The Non-designer’s Type Book - Robin Williams
The Splendour of Islamic Calligraphy -
The Elements of Typographic Style - Robert Bringhurst
The Secret History of Letters - Simon Loxley
Calligraphy - Arthur Baker
Dream Machine - Ted Nelson
The Last Whole Earth Catalog - Stewart Brand
Whole Earth Epilog
The Next Whole Earth Catalog
Whole Earth
Whole Earth Software Catalog 1.0
What To Do After You Hit Return - Dave Kaufman
- Understanding Media - Marshall Mcluhan
- Narrative Across Media - Marie-Laure Ryan
- The Bias of Communication - Harold Innis
- The printing press as an agent of change I & II - Elizabeth Eisenstein
- Media and symbols : the forms of expression, communication, and education - David Olsen
- The Domestication of the Savage Mind - Jack Goody
- Orality and Literacy - Walter J. Ong
the new medium
- Hamlet on the Holodeck - Janet Murray
- Computers as Theatre - Brenda Laurel
- Dream Machines/Computer Lib - Ted Nelson
- Literary Machines 93.1 - Ted Nelson
- Mirror Worlds -
- The Human Interface
- Libraries of the Future - Licklider
- Future Libraries - Bloch and Hesse
- Persuasive Games - Bogost
- Simulacra and Simulation - Baudrillard
- From Memes to Hypertext
- Artificial Reality II
- Software Takes Command
- Augmenting Human Intellect: A complete framework - Douglas Engelbart
history of math
- Mathematics and its’ History -
- Ways of thought of great mathemticians
- A Concise History of Mathematics
- Journey Through Genius
- A History of Chinese Mathematics: Donald Coxeter, the man who saved geometry
- King of Infinite Space
- Chaos
- The Lady Tasting Tea
- Henri Poincare - Gray
- Henri Poincare - Springer
- Emergence of the Theory of Lie Groups: An essay in the history of mathematics 1869-1926 - Hawkins
- The Equation That Couldn’t Be Solved- Mario Livio
- Science Awakening: Egyption, Babylonian and Greek mathematics
- Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty
history of numbers and notation
- The Universal History of Numbers
- ZERO - Charles Seife
- An Imaginary Tale: The story of - Nahin
- Gamma - Havill
- Number Words and Number Symbols: A cultural history of numbers
- A History of Mathematical Notations
- Enlightening Symbols
- Numbers - Ebbinghaus et al
- Before Writing (vol. 1): From counting to cruciform - Schmandt Besserat
- Before Writing (vol. 2): A catalog of near Eastern tokens - Schmandt Besserat
- The History of Counting - Schmandt Besserat/Hays
history of science
- The Discoverers - Daniel J. Boorstin
- Hidden Histories of Science -
- The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science -
- The Man Who Saw Through Time -
- A History of Mechanical Inventions -
- The Clockwork Universe - Edward Dolnick
- Longitude - Dava Sobel
- John Van Neumann - Norman Macrae
- Renaissance Engineers form Brunelleschi to Leonardo da Vinci
- Oliver Heaviside - Nahin
- The Maxwellians - Bruce Hunt
- A Force of Nature - Richard Reeves
- Tesla: Man out of time - Margaret Cheney
- The Mystery of Metamorphosis - Ryan
- A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
- Genius - James Gleick
- Francis Crick: Discoverer of the Genetic Code - Matt Ridley
- Warmth Disperses and Time Passes -
- Suspended in Language - Ottavani & Purvis
- A Feeling of the Organism - Keller
- The Birth of the Modern - Paul Johnson
- Great Physicists -
- Leanardo da Vinci - Codex Leicester
- Time and Timekeepers - Adam Thomson
- The Lunar Men: Five Friends WHose Curiosity Changed the World
- John Dalton and the Atom - Frank Greenaway
- Laser - Nick Taylor
- The Copernican Revolution -
- The Making of the Atomic Bomb - RIchard Rhodes
- The Victorian Internet - Tom Standage
- Wind Wizard - Roberts
- Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field - Nancy Forbes and Basil Mahon
- Einstein - Walter Isaacon
- Innovation in Telecommunication 1925-1977
interface design
- The Essentials of Interface Design - Cooper Reimann
- The Art of Interface Design - Crawford
- Designing Interactions - Bill Moggeridge
- The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design -
- The Humane Interface - Raskin
industrial design
- human engineering guide for Equipment Designers (2nd edition)
- Designing of People - Dreyfuss
- Cradle to Cradle
- The Design of Everyday Things = Donald Norman
- Small Things Considered - Henry Petroski
visual design
- Understanding Color (2nd edition)
- Interaction of Color - Josef Albers
- The Nature and Art of Workmanship - David Pye
- Logic & Design - Barratt
- A HIstory of Graphic Design -
- Universal Principles of Design
- The Non-designer’s Design Book (2nd edition) - Rodin Williams
visual thinking
- The Nature and Aesthetics of Design - David Pye
- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain - Betty Edwards
- Visual Thinking -
- Art and Visual Perception: The Psychology of the Creative Eye
- The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry
- The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
- Laws of Seeing - Metzger
- On the Rationalization of Sight
- The back of the napkin - Dan Roam
- Unflatttening -
information design
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (2nd edition) - Edward Tufte
- Envisioning Information - Edward Tufte
- Visual Explanation - Edward Tufte
- Beautiful Evidence - Edward Tufte
- Graphoic Discvoery
- Show Me the Numbers: Designing tables and graphs to enlighten
- Information Dashboard Design - Displaying data for at-a-glance monitoring
- The Commerical and Political Arts and Statistical Breviary -
- The Elements of Graphing Data
- Visualizing Data - William Cleveland
- Semiology of Graphics - Jaques Bertin
- Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information - Manual Lima
- The Book of Trees - Manual Lima
- Information Graphics - A Comrehensive Illustrated Reference - Harris
- Graph Design for the Eye and Mind
- The Grammar of Graphics
- Carographies of Time - Rosenberg and Grafton
- On the Map - Simon Garfield
- EDA - Tukey
- Cartographic Relief Presentation - Edward Imhof
- The Collected Works of John W. Tukey: Time Series 1949 - 1964
- The Collected Works of John W. Tukey: Philosophy and Principles of Data Analysis 1985-1988
- The Collected Works of John W. Tukey: Graphics 1965-1985
the mind
- Frames of Mind - Gardner
- Origins of the Modern Mind - Donald
- Godel, Escher, Back: An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas Holfstadter
- The Large, the Small and the Human Mind -
- The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
- Flow -
- THe Master and his Emissary - Iain McGilchrist
- The Quest for Consciousness - Koch
- In Search of Memory: The emergence of a new science of mind - Eric Kandel
- The Society of Mind - Marvin Minsky
- On Intelligence - Jeff Hawkins
- Mind Wide Open - Steven Johnson
- The Meme Machine - Susan Blackmore
concepts & metaphors
- Understanding Computers and Cognition -
- Fluid Concepts and Creatie Metaphors - Douglas Holfstadter
- Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire to Thinking - Holfstadter & Sander
- Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things - George Lakoff
- The Symbolic Species - Terrence Deacon
- Metaphors We LIve By - George Lakoff & Mark Johnson
- The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’s Hidden Complexity
- Origins of Human Communication -
- Intrduction to Architecture - Ching Eckler
- A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (2nd edition)
- How Buildings Learn - Stewart Brand
- How to Read Bridges
- Notes on the Synthesis of Form - Cristopher Alxander
- The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs
- A Pattern Language -
- The Timeless Way of Building - Cristopher Alexander
- Mother Tongue: English and how it got that way - Bill Bryson
- Language Myths -
- Stien on Writing - Sol Stein
- Maps of the Imagination: The writer as cartographer - Peter Turchi
- The Devil’s Dictionary -
- The Art of Description -
- all the fun’s in how you say a thing: An explanation of Meter and Versification - Steele
- The Careful Writer: A modern guide to English usage - Theodore Bernstien
- Roget’s International Thesaurus (4th edition)
- Webster’s Ninth College Dictionary
creativity & ideas
- Common as Air - Lewis Hyde
- Making Ideas Happen - Scott Belsky
- The Gift: Creativity and the Artists of the Modern World - Lewis Hyde
- Where Good Ideas Come From - Steven Johnson
- The Artist’s Way
- Good Work
- The Act of Creation - Arthur Koestler
scientific creativity
- How to Solve It - Polya
- Induction and Analogy in Mathemtics
- Patterns of Plausible Inference
- Mathemtical Discovery: On Understanding, Learning and Teaching Problem Solving
- And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared - Altshuller
- The Art of Doing Science and Enginering: Learning to Learn - Richard Hammond
- Creating Scientific Concepts -
- The Englebart Hypothesis
- What Engineers Know and How They Know It -
philosophy of science
- The Structure of Sceintific Revolution - Thomas Kuhn
- The Road Since Structure - Thomas Kuhn
- What is this thing called Science? - Chalmers
- Scientific Discovery -
- Against Method - Paul Feyerabrand
- The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination - Bronowski
- Reliable Knowledge - John Ziman
- The Sciences of the aritificial (3rd edition) - Simon
- Science in Action - Bruno
- Laboratory LIfe - Latour Woolgar
probabilty & AI
- Theory of Probability (2nd edition) - Jeffreys
- Probability Theory - Jaynes
- Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial (2nd edition)
- Artificial Intelligence: A modern appraoch - Stuart Russel & Peter Norvig
- [book missing here]
- Probabilistic Graphical Models - Koller and Friedman
- Perceptions (expanded edition) - Minsky and Papert
- Machine Learning -
- Heauristics: Intelligent search strategies for computer solving
systems and modelling
- The Systems Bible - John Gall
- General Principles of Systems Design - Weinberg & Weinberg
- An Introduction to General Systems
- Theory of Modelling and Simulation
- Dynamics of Phyiscal Systems
- Inftroduction to Engineering Design - Woodson
- Theory of Mathemtical Modelling
- Alternate Realities: Mathemtical models of nature and man
- Living Control Systems: The Fact of Control - William Powers
- Six Degrees - Duncan Watts
- Emergence - Steven Johnson
- Cybernetics (2nd edition) - Nobert Wiener
- Cybennatics and Society: The Human Use of Human Beings - Nobert Wiener
- Selected Papers of Nobert Wiener
programming languages
- APL: The Language and its usage
- The Design and Evolution of C++ - Stroustrup
- THe Annotated C++ Reference Manual
- The Joy of Clojure
- EIFFEL - Bertrand Myer
- Programming Erlang - Joe Armstrong
- Forth - W.P. Salman, O. Tisserand and B. Toulout
- Thinking Forth - Leo Brodie
- Introduction Forth - B. C. Plumb
- The Little Schemer - Friedman and Felleisen
- The Seasoned Schemer - Friedman and Felleisen
- The Reasoned Schemer - Friedman, Byrd, and Kiselyov
- The Little MLer - Friedman and Felleisen
- Programming in Lua - ROberto Ierusalimschy
- Lucid, the Dataflow Programming Language
- Functional Programming in Scala
- Clause and Effect - Clocksin
- Sketchapd - Sutherland
- Smalltalk-80: The interactive programming environment
- Smalltalk-80: Bits of history, words of advice
- Smalltalk-80: The language - Goldberg Robson
- The TeXbook - Donald Knuth
- The METAFONTbook - Donald Knuth
- TeX: The Problem - Donald Knuth
- Viewpoint: Toward a Computer for Visual Thinkers
- Visual Grammars for Visual Languages - Fred Lakin
music theory
- Harmonic Experience
- On the Sensations of Tone - Helmholtz
- Temprament - Stuart Isacoff
- How Equal Temprament Ruined Harmony - Ross Duffin
- Coreo-graphics -
- Traces of Dance -
- Made to Stick - Chip Heath & Dan Heath
- Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life - Stuart Diamond
- Switch - Chip Heath & Dan Heath
- Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping - Paco Underhill
- Influence - Robert Caldini
- The innovator’s Dilemma - Clayton Christensen
- The Essential Drucker - Peter Drucker
- Peopleware (2nd edition) - DeMarco & Lister
- The Design of Design - Brooks
- The Mythical Man-Month - Brooks
technology + culture
- What Technology Wants - Kevin Kelly
- Out of Control - Kevin Kellt
- The Nature of Technology - W. Brian Arthur
- Amusing Ourselves to Death - Niel Postman
- Technopoly - Niel Postman
- Convergence Culture - jenkins
- Here Comes Everybody: The power of organising without organization - Clay Shirkey
- Small Pieces Lossely Joined - Weinberger
- Remix - Lawrence Lessig
- Code and other laws of cyberspace - Lessig
- The Futre of Ideas - Lawrence Lessio
- Computers and Society - Hamming
- The Coming of the Body - Herve Juvin
- The Condition of Man - Mumford
- Technics and Civilization - Mumford
- The Identity of man - jacob Bronowski
- Interface Culture -
- Computer Power and Human Reason -
- The Computer Age - Dertouzos and Moses
- Science and Human Values -
- [missing book]
- From Satori to Silicon Valley -
- The Cult of Information -
- The Clock of the Long Now - Stewart Brand
- Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology - K. Eric Drexler
- Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman (2nd edition)
- Superintelligence - Nick Borstrom
- Science Is Not Enough - Vannevar Bush
- Seem to be a Verb =
- Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth -
- Utopia or Oblivion - Buckminster Fuller
- Synthetics - Buckminster Fuller
signal processing
- Signals & Systems (2nd edition) - Oppenheim, Willsky & Hawab
- Discrete-time Signal Processing - Oppenheim Schafer
- Multirate Systems and Filter Banks - Vaidyanathan
information theory
- Elements of Information Theory
- An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications - Haykin
- Introduction to Data Compression -
- Information and Randomness (2nd edition)
- Grammatical Man
3D Computer Graphics (2nd edition)
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development (2nd edition)
The Nature of Code - Daniel Shiffman
Introduction to Applied Numerical Analysis - Hamming
Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (2nd edition) - Hamming
Convex Optimization - Stephen Boyd and Vendenberghe
- How to Design Programs -
- Design Patterns -
- The Art of the Metaobject Protocol -
- Elements of Programming -
- Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming -
- Structure and Interpretation and Computer Programs (2nd edition) - Abelson and Sussman
- Types and Programming Languages -
- Essentials of Programming Languages (3rd edition) - Friedman and Wand
- Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation - Muchnik
- Introduction to Algorithms (2nd edition) -
- Hacker’s Delight - Warren
- Programming Pearls (2nd edition) -
- Coders at Work -
- Computation: Finite and infinite machines -
- Purely Functional Data Structures -
- The Space and Motion of Communicating Agents - Milner
- Superdistribution - Cox
- A Small Matter of Programming - Nardi
- Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists
- ecocities: Building cities in balance with nature -
- The Ecology of Commerce - Paul Hawkin
- The World Without Us - Alan Weisman
- Whole Earth Catalogue - Stewart Brand
- Sustainable Energy: Without the hot air - David MacKay
- Don’t Even Think About It - George Marshall
- Our Choice - Al Gore
- No Logo - Naomi Klein
- Deschooling Society - Ivan Illich
- Disbaling professions - Ivan Illich
- Tools for Conviviality - Ivan Illich
- The Omega Seed - Paolo Soleri
- Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins
- Born to Buy - Juliet Schor
- The Naked Ape - Desmond Morris
- The Savage Mind - Claude Levi-Strauss
- The Disappearance of Childhood - Postman
- The Making of Human Existence - Eward WIlson
- Seeing Like a State - James Scott
- Reassembling the Social - Latour
- The Power of Myth -
cultural history
- A People’s History of the United States - Howard Zinn
- Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond
- Collapse: How societies Choose To Fail or Succeed - Jared Diamond
- Lies My Teacher Told Me - james Loewen
- Thinking in Time - Neaustadi May
- Centuries of Change: Which century saw the most change and why it matters to us - Ian Mortimer
circuit design
- Fileds anf Waves in Communication Electronics - amo, Whinnery, and Van Duzer
- ANalog Integrated Circuit Design - Johns & Martin
- Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (3rd edition) - Gray & Meyer
- Analog Circuit Design: Art, science and personalities - Williams
- Digital Integrated Circuits: A design perspective - Rabaey
- Logic Synthesis - Devadas, Ghosh, and Keutzer
- Introduction to VLSI systems - Mead & COnway
- Analog VLSI and Neural Systems - Mead
architecture and OSS
- Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (2nd edition) - Hennessy & Patterson
- The Architecture of Symbolic Computers - Kogge
- The Design of the UNIX Operating System - Bach
- Modern Operating Systems (2nd edition) - Tanenbaum
- Capability-based Computer Systems - Levy
- Hard Real-Time Computer Systems: Predictable scheduling algorithms and applications -
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Vol 1, 2, and 3) - Richard Feynman
- Six Easy pieces - Richard Feynman
- New Foundations for Classical Mechanics (2nd edition) - David Hestenes
- Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics - Sussman and Wisdom
- A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Three-Body Problem - Mattuck
- The Universe in a Nutshell - Stephen Hawking
- The Illustrated A Brief History of time - Stephen Hawking
- Relativity Visualized - Epstein
- Collective Electrodynamics - Mead
- The Quark and the Jaguar - Gell-Man
- The Science of Radio - Paul Nahin
- Dreams of a Final Thoery - Steven Weinberg
- The Sun, the Egnome, & the Internet - Dyson
- From Being to Becoming - Progogine
- On Growth and Form: The complete revised edition - Thompson
- The Red Queen: Sex and evolution of human nature - Matt Ridley
- Genome - Matt Ridley
- The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
- Biopunk: Solving Biotech’s Biggest Problems in Kitchens and Garages = Marcus Wohlsen
- Monkeyluv: And other essays on out lives as animals - Robert sapolsky
- Biocosm - James Gardner
- Human Universals - Brown
- The Stuff of Life - Schultx, Cannon & Cannon
- The Blind Watchmaker - Richard Dawkins